Traditional advertising can be traced back to the 18th century and it was effective for brands to sell their products and reach their target audience with the invention of radio and television for many centuries. However, as more people turn to the Internet to get their news, stream video, social media and search for products and services, it has lead to a decrease of consumers consuming traditional media. While traditional advertising is still effective to increase branding and awareness it is not a platform that all business can afford. When it comes to advertising on TV and radio not all businesses can afford to pay millions for a spot during the Super Bowl or prime time. That is the reason …
Category Archives: Blog

Hidden Social Media Features You Should Know
Hidden Social Media Features You Should Know Just when you thought you were a social media expert Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+ decide to make changes to their platforms. In most cases they are supposed to improve the user experience but there are times when they get are more complicated than we think. The major ovehauls either are an improvement or a headache. Well if you are feeling overwhelmed this infographic is you cure. Did you know that you can download your entire contact list from LinkedIn? Or that you can mute Tweets and tag people in you photos on Twitter? Or how about save links on Facebook to read later? Lastly, Google+ added the ability to share your circles …

Top 10 Best Local SEO Tools
Every great mechanic needs a basic set of tools to get the job done correctly the first time and move on to the next job, and so does every search engine optimization specialist. Mechanics turn to their scanner and reliable wrenches to diagnose and fix the vehicle. SEO professionals will also turn to scanning tools to diagnose the website and create an analysis of items that need to be addressed to help the website increase in the SERPs rankings. So in essence SEO technicians and professionals can almost be considered mechanics. We both diagnose items that need to be fixed to help solve the problem and ensure that the car and website are putting out the best performance. Vehicle owners …

5 Social Media Mistakes
We all make mistakes some more costly than others and some can even be avoided. When it comes to social media the majority of the of the time mistakes are made due to lack of experience or trying to achieve results quickly. During my time as a social media and search professional, I have seen quite a few but here are five that I see reoccurring more often than others; lack of posting great content, spreading too thin across several platforms, unoptimized profiles, purchasing fans and engagements, and unbranded profiles. These mistakes are not as costly as violating Google’s Guidelines so they will not cost your company ranking but they will make you look bad when an audit is performed …

How to Improve SEO with Public Relations
As Google continues to implement new changes to their algorithm buying a few thousand links per month will longer do the trick to increase your website’s organic ranking. Link building used to be a seamless and straightforward process, however this approach has landed thousands of websites in Google jail. So what is the best offpage SEO approach to avoid getting slapped by the 800-pound gorilla? Here are a few methods that I have used and have not been touched by any algorithm update, integrate SEO with social media campaigns, content marketing, improved user experience on the websites, and more importantly public relations. Google seems to have turned search engine optimization into survival of the fittest, either you adapt or seize …